The Old School RuneScape Community Helps Player Get Back Powerful Item

The OSRS gold community continues to prove just how chaotic it can be thanks to a recent Reddit thread where a player sought advice on how to reclaim a stolen item. The thread on Reddit posted by user MethIsntCool (great username, btw) saw the poster seek advice on how to reclaim an incredibly powerful and exceedingly expensive item that was stolen from them. The item in question? A Kodai Wand, which sells for a cool 96.4 million gold in the game. The wand was lent to MethIsntCool's cousin back when they packed up their RuneScape character in 2021 after the birth of their first child. However, they apparently made it clear to their cousin that they would want the wand back once they logged back into their account down the road. However, it seems that the cousin in question also decided to focus on their new-found parenthood and let their let their Old School RuneScape character collect some dust, the wand fully in tow. MethIsntCool is now back in the world of Gielinor, yet d...