Combining the factions is one major selling-point for World of Warcraft

Lore-wise, it appears that the Alliance and Horde have come to what seems to be a long-lasting truce to the close of World of Warcraft's most recent expansion, Battle for Azeroth. Though hostilities will always remain because of past conflicts and conflicts, it's possible that the wars of the entire world between the two sides are ending. That being said, whether there will be ever orcs strolling down the streets of WoTLK Gold , or humans riding the wyverns yet to be seen. While cross-faction gaming is an excellent option for many, there are palpable concerns about whether joining the factions regarding end-game content is likely to yield positive results. The number of subscribers, though only estimated, have likely suffered considerably in the wake the latest WoW expansion called WotLK Classic, and its unsustainable content shortages. The expansion only received one major content update in the first year, but well-remembered expansions such as Legion were already making anno...