I believe OSRS is the closest to pure substance

 Old school RuneScape: a completely unbiased view

I discovered this OSRS gold just over two years ago. I've played it nearly every day since. I have never letting it go. However, I often wonder: Why do I even play? The game is a mindless experience. The bosses may be entertaining but everything becomes dull when you've killed it dozens of times. That's not even counting the hundreds or thousands. This is required to complete collections or get drops.

To be truthful, I believe OSRS is the closest to pure substance abuse I have ever seen in a game. The excitement of progressing getting valuable items, seeing your rank go up in the hiscore... it's pure serotonin, without the troubles other games can put you through as it's just clicking.

I would love to have a rank for every boss, the top 1,000 clues, finding every pet, and so many more amazing goals... but when I meet the rare player who has actually gone through those grinds but hasn't, I am not feeling anything. Not thrilled, not even sad or even pathetic. I don't care. I'm not the only one who doesn't be interested in my accomplishments either.

All in all, I'd rather had won my quest cape and quit there about 1.5 years ago. It's a bit long However, your thoughtful comments on this blog made all of this come to me. If you are experiencing issues with your health I wish that things get better for you.

I actually thought about this because people on the subreddit often mentioned how setting a goal and then achieving it can be so rewarding. However, I envisioned myself achieving the goal and contemplated how I would feel about what I should do next. It was really empty. Like, I've done this, but to what purpose? It doesn't mean anything and the route to it wasn't exactly enjoyable either.

I enjoy achieving goals, but I'd like them to or have some purpose, like learning stuff irl or the path towards them actually enjoyable. I'm currently playing an extremely challenging Quake mod, where I'm probably going to die 20 times per level and that's a fun useless achievement since I need to learn to master the OSRS GP and I experience various situations.


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