They were suppose to be in this point in WOW WoTLK Classic
It is not simply the understanding of mechanisms though. It's also Blizzard published gear. Gear and grade collections were updated through Vanilla as it was correct before TBC came out that was undoubtedly the best edition of the gear, however they published the model of equipment. So our personalities are a good deal more successful than they were suppose to be in this point in WoTLK Gold. And did people scream before launch this is a sport that is super and no infants will be able to survive this. Yeah lol, BWL cleared first night it published.
I cannot imagine anyone that truly played with vanilla idea that. It had been tedious, buggier and slower to level and you had to rely on crying in town to receive groups to perform dungeons and then give up once you wiped in brd due to respawns and you're tired of it. Agreed. I have not played for a couple expansions, and I have been enjoying WOW WoTLK Classic. So I am hardly shilling for retail. However, it only seemed like a fact to me which raiding in vanilla has been stupidly easy concerning skill, and was only made difficult because of tedium, and the effort of coordinating 40 people.
It was problematic to me how frequently people would legally attempt to argue that raids in vanilla took ability, and that raids are faceroll. Raids have mechanics. Vanilla raid managers, you're lucky if they have any mechanisms. Lots of bosses have a single debuff to manage, and you deal with it by decursing, or just being debuffed. Wow, such mechanics. I don't understand how many people appeared to believe vanilla had raids that are hard.
Because WOW players are 10x better and also have 100x more info and resources (infinitely better plugins, sims, really good computers that operate WOW WoTLK Classic on more than 25fps in raids and adequate size screens, voice communication and mics created in 21st century). I would be prepared to bet than any normal player who casually follows guides, watches few guide videos/streamers is a better raider than most"top raiders" throughout vanilla occasions. Seriously listen to some of the men and women who raided seriously during vanilla (Preach has some fantastic tales ) and you realize that even the best WOW players were just winging it like everyone else.
Mate abilities will also be 1.12. Some casual guilds broke up with firemaw over BWL. buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold is a entirely different raid and even though my pserver encounter was harder, mechanics on a struggle such as c'thun where you've got to all walk into the boss struggle room at the exact same time and spread all 40 members out so with not one person actually messing it up. If you do not it will probs wipe the raid reason behind a laser that he shoots that does big dmg and chains into a person if you are close enough. It can literally string all around the raid and with a fight as long as it is, bad healers will finally show themselves.
