The article wraps up by explaining the steps Blizzard
It was clear that changing the patch wasn't enough. Sunday brought a bigger number of users and the servers D2R Items. On Monday, they were again down. The link above is lengthy and superbly comprehensive in its explanation of the reason this is happening.
However, Blizzard put the blame on an old-fashioned code involved in creating and joining games and reading characters from the database. "We have improved this service in many ways to conform to more contemporary technology, but as we've said before the majority of our issues are due to the process of creating games," says the post.
Which is where we move into player behaviour.
"We mention 'modern player behavior' because it's an interesting point to think about. The year 2001 was the last time there was as much information on the internet on how to play Diablo II 'correctly' (Baal runs for XP and Pindleskin/Ancient Sewers for finding the magical item, etc.).
Today, however players can look up any number of fantastic content creators who are able to teach players how to use the game different methods, many with a lot of database load through the process of creating.
loading, and dismantling games in quick succession. Though we did foresee this-with players creating new characters on fresh servers, doing their best to acquire their hands on their magical objects-we greatly underestimated the magnitude of the issues we discovered from beta testing. "Basically the problem is that you're all too experienced, and videosgame guides are to blame. (You can find the best Diablo 2 builds guide here.)
The article wraps up by explaining the steps Blizzard are doing about the issue. It includes a number of less than ideal fixes. They have also introduced rate limitation, which will prevent players from creating multiple games in rapid intervals, as well as login queues.
In order to ensure that servers don't get overwhelmed and instead queue as if joining an Buy D2R items PS4. The limitation of rate is taking place today and is seen as "mitigation" rather than a long-term fix, whereas queues will be implemented "in the coming moments on PC."

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