Old School Runescape’s Upcoming Skill is a Blast From the Past

Old School Runescape is adding a 'new' skill soon, but it's not actually as 'new' of a concept as some players may believe it is.

As some may be aware, Old School RuneScape as of late passed a survey where the Sailing skill won out. Jagex is right now dealing with how it will execute this skill in a way players would appreciate. Notwithstanding its new surveying, Sailing has been in the personalities of the local area for longer than many may be aware.

Old School RuneScape's Sailing skill has actually been an idea that's floated around RuneScape's people group starting around 2008. It has a significantly longer history than the majority of the new skills that have at any point come to RuneScape. Hence, the Sailing skill is has been bound to happen as well.

In December 2022, Jagex uploaded a video stating it wanted to add another skill to Old School RuneScape and would be releasing an extensive and detailed survey finally. This survey would accompany 3 skills: Shamanism, Taming, and Sailing. And after 15 years of waiting, Old School RuneScape Sailing was affirmed as another skill coming to the game. Sailing would win the survey by only .3% to the next in line: Shamanism. So, it actually has to go through another survey to guarantee that the RuneScape people group finds its presentation satisfying. In any case, taking into account how dedicated Jagex is by all accounts in creating and adding a great, new skill to the game, all things considered, it will pass that as well.

It almost seems like predetermination that the Sailing skill would finally make its way into the game in an official capacity. Regardless of whether it end up being quite possibly of RuneScape's most profitable skill, it will in any case probably have a beneficial outcome on the local area overall.

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