RSgoldfast OSRS Runelite Plugins
Runelite has provided the platform and framework necessary for Old School Runescape players to evolve from the nostalgic, but frankly limited, way the game used to be played. The days of being forced to play at 50 FPS, struggling to create some semblance of organization in your bank, or looking up step-by-step OSRS gold guides on every quest in the game are no more.
There is a staggering amount of plugins that Runelite has to offer, and if that gives you a sense of analysis paralysis, or you're just curious to see if there are any quality-of-life features you might be missing out on, these plugins are a great place to start.
The wilderness can be a very scary place, especially if you're just trying to do a clue scroll or hunt some Black Chinchompas. Quite simply, Wilderness Player Alarm detects if players are near you within a set radius, up to 24 tiles away.
Once a player enters this radius, your screen will start to repeatedly flash a color of your choosing, immediately notifying you that it's time to teleport away or start running for safety. This plugin is especially helpful if you aren't using a second account or a friend to help scout for you.
Once installed, Ground Markers will let you mark any tile on your screen with a thin, brightly-colored outline by holding shift and right-clicking the tile you'd like to mark. If you mark some tiles and log out or leave the area, the plugin will keep track of what you've marked, so there's no need to "re-mark" anything.
Ground Markers can be used for practically anything you'd need them for. Some popular applications include marking safe spots, or helping you avoid damage in various fights and arenas, such as Vorkath or the Inferno minigame. As a bonus, you can also import other player's tile layouts if you want.
If you're not using Quest Helper, it is time to become enlightened; gone are the days of painstakingly referring to and analyzing step-by-step wikis and guides that take up half your screen or a second monitor.
Instead, Quest Helper will add a helpful, guiding arrow on your world map and minimap, and a sidebar on the right side of your client listing item requirements, recommended items, enemies to Buy OSRS gold defeat, and other relevant information. As you progress through a quest, each step you complete will automatically be crossed off, and the directional arrow will update if needed.
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