RSgoldfast OSRS: There is an abundance of traps

Underground Pass, narratively, is an exceptional quest OSRS gold. Your character will be forced into murdering innocents, as whispers of voices surround you, all on an adventure to make it through to the other side of an underground passage.

RSgoldfast OSRS

Practically, however, you can expect one frustrating time. There is an abundance of traps, and a high Agility level, a skill many players end up hating for its slow exp rates, is a must for this quest. Without it, you can expect this quest to take twice as long as any need to resupply will result in you starting over from the beginning.

When inside the infamous dungeon, you’ll find yourself solving puzzles that require trial and error and repeatedly failing jumps that will have you burning through your food. That is, if you don’t plummet to your death first.

Puzzles in OSRS are sometimes too overly complicated for their own good. While the sense of achievement in figuring them out is a wonderful feeling, when you’re left pondering how to complete one, it can break down the mind and make you lose love for both questing and the game itself.

The second part of Mourning’s End is essentially one huge light puzzle. It will have you running across multiple rooms, attempting to clear many agility obstacles and returning to a bank to restock on supplies due to pesky shadows draining your HitPoints. It’s just as tricky as it is infuriating, but seeing the Quest Complete notification is beyond satisfying.

The Morytania quest line is filled with some epic adventures that further enrich OSRS' Horror lore. Sins of the Father will have you traversing Darkmeyer slaying multiple Vampyres, which include challenging bosses that possess difficult, yet fun mechanics to tackle. You’ll have to be comfortable switching between your protection prayers as well as your attack styles if you want to beat this one.

Other than the bosses, the hardest parts about this quest are the tedious stealth mission where you have to avoid being seen but stick close enough for cheap OSRS gold the encounter not to fail, as well as the Temple Trekking minigame, where you have to protect your companion until they reach their destination. If you’re not paying enough attention, they will easily die, forcing you to restart the minigame from the very beginning.


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