RSgoldfast OSRS: Recommended Gear To Fight Scurrius

The latest boss added to Old School RuneScape, Scurrius the Rat King, is a Level-250 boss that serves as a mid-level boss for anyone who wants to try things out with PvM. Capable of being killed with all combat styles, OSRS gold Scurrius is a fantastic boss for players of all ability levels.

Not exclusively is Scurrius a relatively easy boss to kill, yet it also brings several new rewards, fair experience rates to train your combat abilities, and another pet to farm for. Needless to say, Scurrius has proven to be a great addition to Old School RuneScape.

Since Scurrius is a mid-level boss, the minimum recommended gear would be mid-level armor. Depending on which combat style you browse, Rune Armor/Green D'Hide/Spiritualist Robes, paired with an Amulet of Brilliance, Barrow's Gloves, and your best boots, cape, and ring, are great decisions for gear on the off chance that your combat level is between 70 and 100.

On the off chance that you find yourself at a higher combat level or are comfortable fighting Scurrius all alone, Barrow's Armor/Black D'Hide/Void Hardware is recommended before attempting to do as such. Barrow's hardware (specifically Verac's or alternately Dharok's) has incredible defensive rewards to withstand Scurrius and its minions' attacks, while Void Gear gives you additional DPS for all combat styles.

Weapons like a Dragon Scimitar, Magic Shortbow, Iban's Staff, or better, ought to be sufficient to fight Scurrius, especially in the event that you are fighting him as a gathering or have significant level stats (80+).

On the chance that you get Scurrius' Spine, it tends to be used to make Rat Bone Weaponry, which gives you additional damage while fighting against rats. Using a Bone Mace, Bone Shortbow, or Bone Staff can allow you to kill Scurrius all alone with just mid-level gear.

In your inventory, you just need to realistically bring a Super Combat Elixir/Ranging Mixture, Prayer Elixirs, a Magically transport Tab, and fill the rest with food to heal with (Monkfish or better). During the fight, you will want to keep your stats supported while ensuring you have sufficient Prayer Points to Buy OSRS gold keep Security Prayers active as much as conceivable.


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